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MPS Electrolysis Blocker

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Marine Protection Systems - Electrolysis Blocker

The Maddox anode is an internationally accredited sacrificial anode for timber and fibreglass vessels. The patented composite alloy is closer than zinc in mV potential to the submerged metals found on most boats making it less aggressive on coatings and parts than the zinc equivalent.

Product Description:

The MPS Elec­trol­y­sis Blocker™ is an approved gal­vanic isolator.

It’s unique per­for­mance and fea­tures tested to the high­est inter­na­tional marine standards.

A gal­vanic iso­la­tor is designed to block cor­ro­sion caus­ing cur­rent that trav­els between ves­sels at a marina using a com­mon shore power con­nec­tion.   The Elec­trol­y­sis Blocker has  fail­safe con­struc­tion that offers no ongo­ing main­te­nance or mon­i­tor­ing. The unit is com­pact and easy to install.

Features & Benefits:

  • ISO, AS/NZS & ABYC standards certified approved
  • 5000A fail safe rating
  • Waterproof-solid state components - no service required
  • 67A continuous current rating
  • Compact for easy installation and inspection
  • Proven high performance heat sink and ignition proof design

How it works?

Vessels in a marina are interconnected via the common shore earth which carries low voltage DC current between them and the marina. This DC current is passed through the metal through hull fittings in to the water where it is free to contribute to galvanic corrosion. The result is more rapid consumption of anodes and then damage to unprotected submerged metal parts. An Electrolysis Blocker™: Blocks the damaging DC current Maintains effective AC earth

Installation Instructions

The MPS Electrolysis Blocker must be installed by a licenced Electrician. * The Electrolysis Blocker must be used in conjunction with a circuit breaker rated up to 16A max (minimum 5KA fault rated) and a 30mA residual current device. The diagram below shows the general arrangements for electrical supply to a vessel with blocker installed.  Further information can be obtained in Appendix B of AS/NZS3004.2 The Electrolysis Blocker shall be connected into the supply protective earthing conductor before it connects to the boats earth system.   It should be installed where there is protection from accidental access, good ventilation, as close as practical to the shore power inlet / distribution panel and behind the appliance inlet.   Use the mounting slots on the Blocker to secure it.  The Electrolysis Blocker is installed in series in to the earthing conductor, the Blocker is clearly labelled “Ship Earth” and “Shore Earth”.  The terminals of the Blocker should be treated as live parts. The information stickers provided must be affixed in plain view on the front of the distribution panel.

Maintenance Instructions

The MPS Electrolysis Blocker does not require service or maintenance as it contains no moving or serviceable parts. Boat owners are required to obtain an Electrical Warrant Of Fitness (EWOF) for all vessels with hard wired 240VAC electrical systems. MPS recommend inspection periodically by a licenced electrician to ensure earth terminal connections remain secure and the unit stays properly mounted. Electrolysis Blockers can be tested for performance and/or fault conditions by a qualified electrician using a multimeter. The MPS Electrolysis Blocker is designed and sold for the purpose of galvanic corrosion protection and must not be used for any other use.